Friday, July 02, 2010

Unergi Responses

Unergi came into my life as I was approaching retirement. I had already had over ten years of psychotherapy and had made great progress in healing. But like many of us, I found it easier to do the intellectual work rather than the necessary emotional work. Something about lying vulnerable on a table being gently touched and moved allowed me to access my feelings more easily. This of course lead to deeper healing, and I frequently felt lighter when I left the office. Now some six years later, I am happy to say that in my golden years I am enjoying many hours of peace and contentment as I continue my journey toward wholeness.

- Rhoda Todd, former Unergi student


Dear Ute,

WOW...and thanks..."Releasing the need for Healing and Fixing" has been in my thoughts a lot I feel like I am in tune with the upcoming weekend. I have been paying attention to how healing and fixing focus detracts from a softer/more loving... more open kind of focus...perhaps... in/of wellness, good health, well being, loving self acceptance, Beauty, the creative spirit, the joy of life itself, etc.

It has been an interesting journey for me in recent weeks...and I love the images that have appeared in my mind's eye...carrying me along...touching back...all-ways reminding me that the core presence of my being embraces a bigger "picture"...a larger view...a holographic construct...that often makes me laugh, smile, feel well

Part of this was initiated in its current form by the exercise we did last month playing with the blocks... touching back and forth into that structure...and that space...without even having to "figure it out"...feeling like that structure/space has a life...a vibration...where something is shared...and things simply happen every time energy is shared. It is WOW-full...and I am with/in Spirit this way.


-Karen Hoffman, former Unergi student

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