Friday, July 02, 2010

Thoughts on Unergi


So glad you are avoiding the "sound bite" world, as your teaching cannot be contained in the "world of words", which is a small and constricted world.

Unergi builds bridges between polarities.

The traditional nondual teachings would say that polarities apparently exist because we overlook our true nature which is awareness itself, and all polarities are contained in awareness, and so are already reconciled from the viewpoint of our true nature, and, of course, Unergi re-introduces us to our true nature. I continue to be amazed at the similarity between Unergi and nondual teachings (such as those of Jesus, Lao Tze, Advaita Vedanta, Zen (6 th patriach), Sufi, etc. There is a saying that all "problems" (polarities?) are dissolved in the Buddha mind (natural, non-conceptual mind).

It seems we are all awareness itself, and nothing more. And Unergi invites us there, to this reality that is "closer than our own breath." Our true nature is "worry-free, effortless, ever-fresh, self-shining present awareness" (this is how the Tibetans describe it, although they use the word "non-conceptual" that I've replaced with the less academic term "worry-free". Jesus might say "the Kingdom of Heaven within." What could be a clearer articulation of the Unergi experience?

With warmest regards and gratitude, gratitude, gratitude...Love, Dave

-David B. Trindle, FSA, MAAAA

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