Friday, July 02, 2010

The Impact of Unergi

I have only known Ute for about a year and a half, and in that short time she has helped me create many positive changes in my life that seemed near impossible when I first met her. When I first met with her I had never heard of Unergi, but after three years of a violently cyclic relationship (and others before that) I was willing to try anything. At that time, I had already been to a gestalt therapist, tried meditation, Reiki training, a vision quest, long periods of isolated "soul searching", and attempted psychohypnosis before I was led to Ute.

I had spent so many years trying to "erase" the undesirable parts of me, offering up a "forgive and forget" chant to anyone who had hurt me, but somehow I always came back to the same "baggage" or the same lesson wearing a different hat. It wasn't until I started doing Unergi work with Ute that I began to feel my habits shift, and I became empowered from knowing that I could retrain the habits that weren't serving me and ultimately rewrite my past. By learning to embrace the parts of me that I had been resisting and trying to eliminate, I moved into a present space that didn't erase my past, but no longer allowed it to control me.

Unergi continues to provide the self-healing space that can sometimes get left out in my busy day-to-day grind. It is wonderful to have such a warm and loving person such as Ute to facilitate my self-healing journey. I was raised to do everything for myself and never ask for help from anyone; to always appear strong on the outside. I am now realizing the great value (and relief!) of having someone outside of myself who can help me "see the forest for the trees" when I feel lost in the woods.

There have been many things that happened in the course of my life that seem to have shaped who I am today, many of which happened when I was a helpless child. I can never change what already happened, but I don't have to be the effect of those causes. I can rewrite it because "it is never too late to become what we might have been" (George Elliot).

The space Ute creates and the tools Unergi teaches can be described in so many ways, but for me it is: a safe haven; a maintenance plan for regular tune-ups; a reminder of what my soul has always known; and, a return to my true self, the person I was born to be and want to become.

-Melissa, former Unergi student

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