Sunday, May 16, 2010

There is No Destination

I went to Staples yesterday and I was in the aisle with all the notebooks and journals. I wanted to find something to keep all my Unergi notes in for the next however many years...

I came across a journal-type notebook that said:
"If the destination is joy, the journey is delightful"

I had a very negative reaction to it and haven't been able to get it out of my mind.

If the destination is joy... that implies there is a destination, that there is somewhere to GET before one can feel joy. Once you're there, then what? You're just there and you stop? No more movement, no growth, no expansion?

I read it and sensed an eager person, doing and doing and doing, trying so hard to do the right thing, to just reach out and get to the happiness and the joy. A person that decided to be optimistic and have a 'delightful journey' because they thought that eventually they'd be joyful. I see this person climbing a steep mountain, dragging a bunch of old crap along...but smiling the whole way because when they get to the top, happiness will be there. This person reaches the top and is relieved and elated and in disbelief that they achieved so much. There is so much joy in that moment... Now what?

I don't think I believe life has any destinations. Only continuous journeys.

If I could change the phrase I saw on that notebook, I would.

It would say: Joy is the Journey

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