Monday, May 09, 2011

"Consider that Everything may already be OK...

Do not strive to conform yourself to any preconceived ideas.
Awareness is the effortless aliveness you already are;
It cannot be moved toward nor moved away from.

See for yourself: Are you present and aware?
Can your presence-awareness be debated or refuted?
Or is this sense of awareness seen directly and without doubt?

No one can deny your presence-awareness.
So ground your sense of self in this irrefutable fact of reality.
Presence-awareness is the only thing you are already sure of.

It is always present when you are.
Therefore, you and presence-awareness are one in the same.
Awareness is your true essence: You are that.

The body/mind you have taken as self,
are merely sensations and perceptions arising in the Awareness you are.
Body/mind/world arise in Awareness, and pass away in deep sleep and dreams.

Now look at this Awareness you are.
Does it have boundaries? Location? Or any objective qualities?
Is it personal? Or is it globally present, shared by all beings?

Awareness is what experiences everything, or more accurately it is the experiencing,
the wholeness, the oneness, the totality.
Can you say it was ever born? If never born, can it die?

So relax and know the awareness you are is unaffected by the events of the body/mind/world.
What is left to worry about? What needs to be done?
Eternal, effortless, serene presence-awareness: You are that."

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