Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Unergi March weekend 2010

Hello dear Unergi Students

I am still shimmering in the energy of this last weekend...
when I awoke early this morning I felt very clearly that it was an "Auftakt" (German), or a "Preparing of the Receptive Field" for our next gathering.

The word gathering is a very clear description of what we are doing...gathering the energy needed that in a group like this can lead to a significant paradigm shift.
WE are doing the ground work to create a group wave that moves us all forward into a new belief system,... as we are shedding centuries of individual and group perception. ....
This work is SO MUCH easier when done in a group rather than alone, in fact it needs the focused group energy to move us all forward .

As we have been discovering, every member of the group is an equally important spoke in the larger each spoke adds to our combined strength, we are all learning much more easily about what is missing in our individual lives, and inform each other profoundly with caring support and deep listening.

All I have to do is to recall what I learned from and about how:

-Anneliese is handling her grief with so much grace and poetry...

- how Inge seems to have moved to a comfortable plateau on her journey full of struggles, where she can appreciate all the hard work she has done to rest HERE...for however long

- Sandra, courageously took the plunge to experience Unergi table work with me and discovered an experience way in the past, she had no clue of how deeply it had impacted her life (maybe -as she mused- it was even a cause to run away from Germany many years ago to live in the States ?)

-Amy ( being the youngest, she is looked at by all of us older folks with envy...what if we had started with this self awareness stuff in our early twenties ??) , she does her work with so much passion and drive for discovery, travelling that edge of authenticity relentlessly....

Marjory, who keeps coming back to Unergi year after year, spiraling on and on, knowing that this life is simply about deepening awareness. Period.

This was a small group this time, and we missed those who were physically recovering from health issues and those who had to be elsewhere, AND it was intense and intimate and very beautiful.
I am sensing that the next time will involve experiments with extra sensory perception and far seeing (or you might also call it channeling, but not in the ordinary sense we have much knowledge of so far). Let's just say I spent this morning in preparation and I know that there is much more to come, ...

Those of you who don't have the self evaluation forms, or have never filled one out, please request them from us. I encourage you with all my might to please dig in with can write as little or as much as you feel comfortable, and when you do, you'll find that all this work that you are doing with us is finding a whole new level. In addition you are inviting us into your world again, in which we learn and play with you,.... continuing to prepare the field for awesome things to come that will create beauty and meaning in our lives as never before! ( If you are sensitive to share it with the public at large you can simply change your name to a "Unergi name" ).

Blessings and Joy on your Self Healing Journey

I am happy to learn and work and play with you,

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